Thursday, May 26, 2016


May 26, 2016

A central bulletin board/website or other easy accessible place where ALL bear sightings could be immediately posted.   In Africa renegades who attacked villages were finally slowed down when a radio network allowed the real-time tracking of them so that people could at least hide.

Schools now have robocalling systems that will advise parents when school has been cancelled because of weather.  It could be used or adapted to notify people of bears in the area.

The Valier campground manager, made necessary by vandals in the first place, is keeping a set of bear spray cans to loan out to the campers if there are bears around.

People probably need to be better about reporting incidents with bears.  The movement to give bears federal protection and media accounts of people in big legal trouble for illegal actions has taught many people it's better never to let any authorities know what's up.

Valier Mayor, Ray Bukovekas, notes that this meeting was a response to an organized campaign flooding the State Fish and Game people with challenges.  He suggests that locals might be better off organizing themselves to address the elected governmental bodies, esp. the Federal ones, who draw up the budgets and write the laws and regulations.  Salaried field personnel and management people are directed by the senators, representatives and so on.  Federal law overrides State and Local laws.

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